WHY DID CHRIST DIE? PART 1 If the Resurrection had been a lie, then we have shown that the Disciples KNEW it. No where in recorded history has there ever been a case of a group of men giving up their lives for a LIE, much less 12 men: o PETER was CRUCIFIED upside down o ANDREW was CRUCIFIED o MATTHEW was STABBED with a SWORD o JOHN died a NATURAL Death after a lifetime of tribulation o JAMES, Son of Alphaeus, was CRUCIFIED o PHILIP was CRUCIFIED o SIMON was CRUCIFIED o THADDAEUS was "filled with arrows" o JAMES, brother of Christ was THROWN from the Walls of Jerusalem and then STONED to death o THOMAS was THRUST with a SPEAR o BARTHOLOMEW was CRUCIFIED o JAMES, Son of Zebedee, was STABBED by a SWORD A skeptic can still say, "Well, they died for a lie". The very fact that each of these men had the "opportunity" to recant their faith and DID NOT shows a TRUTH when coupled with the very lives that these men led after Pentecost. The 500 eyewitnesses that were still living when Paul wrote his letters, in essence saying "Go talk to them for evidence" could be better understood if we think in terms of giving each of the 500 only 6 minutes to testify in court, we would have over 10 days of court time - 50 hours of EYEWITNESS testimony! WHY DID CHRIST DIE ?! o For RELIGION? Religion is humanity trying to WORK their way into the Presence of God. Good Works, Obedience, etc. So our answer is a resounding NO! Š o For CHRISTIANITY? Christianity in NOT RELIGION. Christianity is GOD COMING TO Men and Women through the person of Jesus Christ. o SALVATION - Secure and Eternal Acts 16:31 says, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved". However, Jesus also wanted something else - Let's look at the following: o MARK 1:14,15 We receive Kingdom Citizenship 2:17 Our sins are "cured" o LUKE 15:7 & 10 Joy in Heaven when we repent o LUKE 24:47 Opened to the World o ACTS 2:36 Remission of our sins 3:19 Repentance is REFRESHING 20:21 Repentance is PROFITABLE True repentance ALWAYS leads to a change in the conduct and attitude of the believer. SALVATION HAS SEVERAL PARTS. THESE ARE: o FAITH If repentance is true then Faith is the first by- product. Faith means you have a "confident trust in" something or "reliance on" something. ***READ*** HEBREWS 11:6 - "Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE....." In and of itself, FAITH is meaningless Remember the story of the "battle of the Gods" when Elijah challenged the priest of Baal? The priest had faith! They were sincere in their faith! However; FAITH always needs an OBJECT to which it is placed in or on. If the OBJECT of our FAITH is worthless as it was for the priest of Baal, then we are victims of superstition. It makes no difference how sincere or intense our faith is, we can be sincerely deluded and intensely mis-led! SAVING FAITH is many things, but must have (1) Acceptance about the FACTS of and about Christ - HIS DIETY, HIS DEATH and OUR NEED OF HIM. Most of all, it should contain (2) a COMMITMENT TO THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST IN OUR LIVES. We don't believe only because of our feelings - we make a DECISION to believe. Š ***READ*** James 2:20. The "faith" indicated here is "head" faith - the kind that does not manifest itself by leading the believer into a MORE holy lifestyle. This "head faith" produces the DEAD WORKS, usually to impress other humans with our "goodness,etc". o REGENERATION Regeneration is mentioned ONLY TWICE in scripture. In Matthew 19:28 the reference is to the restoration of the world, but in TITUS 3:5, we find the reference to individuals. Regeneration is a DECISIVE EXPERIENCE that happens ONCE for ALL. However; the regeneration is continual in the results and changes in the lives of the believers. In JOHN 5:40, Christ says :"Ye will not come to me ..". Notice that He did not say, "Ye CANNOT come to me ..". It isn't that any of us CANNOT come to Him - it's that we CHOOSE NOT TO come to Him. It requires the active commission of WILL to acknowledge that He is better able to direct our lives and to submit ourselves to His Complete Will! Well, what of ELECTION where God, in His soverign will, has chosen certain people and certain groups of people to receive His Grace and Mercy. God chose Abraham as an individual and Israel as an entire nation. Look at the major aspect of ELECTION - it is not by any virtue or quality of the chosen, but exclusively through the Will of God. Coupled with ELECTION is PREDESTINATION. Predestination indicates that God's purpose for the believer -- that we become CHRIST-LIKE is CERTAIN to be fulfilled. ****READ**** Romans 8:29,30 Foreknowledge, predestination, calling, justification & glorification are all parts of the one "package" of SALVATION. If we have one - we have them ALL! NEXT FILE PART 2